Community Guidelines:

By creating an account here you consent to abide by the following community guidelines:

  • We ask all members to be kind and positive in their interactions
  • Be constructive in your feedback to other members, we’re all here to support one another
  • This is not the place to debate over political views etc… (social media is more than sufficient for that rabbit hole!)
  • No spam/selling. This is not a place to sell your products or services to other members. (This includes affiliate links).
  • Be personally accepting and empathetic towards others
  • Try to be active and helpful. This is not a community of ‘lurkers’ each member has been selected for their engagement and commitment. A community is only as good as its members, so the more we engage, interact and share, the more we all benefit.

If members break these rules its at MyROI.Community‘s discretion to revoke membership or ban members. We never want to be draconian, but culture is everything in a community, and we can never let a ‘bad apple’ ruin it for the whole group.

Refund policy and subscriptions:

Members can request a refund within 3 days of sign-up.

After this 3 day window, refunds cannot be processed.

Recurring subscription can be cancelled anytime within your account.

Legal disclaimer:

By being part of this community, you agree to not hold any of the MyROI.Community, its owners, employees, team, or the platform responsible or liable for any business losses/damage that may arise directly or indirectly from your membership. Any advice, mentorship or guidance offered via this platform is offered with the best intent and should not be construed as financial or legal advise. It is each member’s responsibility to carry out due diligence before implementing their learnings, as they relate to their specific business, local/national laws and any legal/financial circumstances. Always consult your licensed financial advisor or attorney.

By using this website you agree to the Terms of Service.